Babci's Blog

Week 9: #17,18,19

This is an interesting process for me. uTube is very familiar to me as are eBooks and Audiobooks. Podcasting -a totally new experience. I fist saw and heard “Straight No Chaser”, the Indiana University acapella group shortly before the holiday season. A friend e-mailed the link. I enjoyed their rendition of the “12 Days of Christmas” as did half the planet. I forwarded the link to my son, requested the cd as a gift, had to wait because everyone was sold out. While waiting, my granddaughters and I brought up the uTube performance time and time again. We also viewed some of their other performances. Then we learned the history of the group, since the girls noticed not all the singers were the same everytime. That little e-mail opened up the world a bit more for the girls and I and since we LOVE our music, we were happy to find a new group.

I think I already mentioned how much I enjoy the Common Craft tutorials. I viewed the ones available on uTube and some of the comments left by other viewers. It was interesting to see what others think about them. For those who are into all the gadgetry, I understand the appeal of podcasting. It’s great to have all this “stuff” at your fingertips, to be up to date with friends, hobbies, intellectual pursuits. I have an MP3 player. I haven’t made it a part of my life. When I can have a period of time without sound, I revel in it.

Our consortium offers Overdrive, an e-book and audiobook site, to the patrons. Working on the initial set-up of this site for the consortium was enjoyable. I have always enjoyed being able to purchase content for any collection that I was privileged to help develop or maintain. Our e-book patrons are a very loyal contingent; just like our patrons who only read hardcover, or only read softcover, only like thrillers, or mysteries, or romances. E-books and audiobooks are another format offered to the patron; some patrons incorporate them into their reading practices, others read them exclusively. However it fits their lives, fits ours.

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